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Complete Your Journey to Cloud

Not only have we have built, migrated and transformed hundreds of applications to enjoy the self-healing, auto-scaling, secure, resilient benefits of being hosted in cloud, we have helped organisations large and small, in both the private and public sector, to exit their legacy datacentres.


We work with organisations to:


  • Modernise and migrate legacy technologies including mainframes, databases, WebSphere servers, Tivoli software, non-x86 technologies, heritage Unix, Linux, Windows and similar operating systems.

  • Identify the dependencies and constraints binding them to a contract or physical datacentre.

  • Implement network gateways and secure routes to legacy platforms.

  • Fully enjoy software defined networking (SD-WAN).

  • Complete the 'game of Tetris' to empty each rack, cabinet, data room and datacentre.


Don't feel trapped, having to pay double costs for cloud and on-premise hosting - make the full leap to cloud.

Can we help you to complete your cloud migration journey?

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